
PAL Freelancers’ Marketplace

Come to Participatory Arts London's Freelancers' Marketplace to meet different PAL organisations for whom who you might want to work

Location: Half Moon Theatre, 43 White Horse Road, E1 0ND
Date and Time: Tuesday 10th December 2019, 10am-1pm

Date: 19/04/2024 – 19/04/2024


Organisations you will meet include:

Chickenshed, Group 64 Theatre for Young People, Grand Junction, Half Moon Theatre, Haringey Shed, KIT Theatre, Lewisham Education Arts Network, National Youth Theatre, Spotlight Youth Centre, Talawa, Tramshed, Wired4Music

PAL is a network of arts organisations from across London; representing a broad range of cross-art form activity and practice across the sector. As a collective, PAL is reflective on participatory practice in its broadest sense and is pursuing the benefits of peer-to-peer learning.

PAL FreelancersÂ’ Network is an initiative to encourage freelance facilitators and artists to share good practice, network and tap into the opportunities and resources that are available through the PAL network.

The event is free but please RSVP on Eventbrite

"Just to say a huge thanks ... I am looking forward to progressing with this project thanks to your support, advice and guidance"

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